1. How to Safely Move on the Ice
Before stepping down onto the ice surface, the curlers should be comfortable with the most important safety issues: how to step onto the ice in the safest manner. Always step down with the gripper foot first. Do not step or jump over any rocks to get onto the ice. |
2. Finding Good Balance
Get a sense for what the curling slide position feels like. |
3. Adding Momentum to the Delivery
The curling delivery is a complex activity that requires the coordination of a number of different body movements. To correctly develop the delivery, every curler should divide the skill into specific phases of development. |
4. Gripping & Releasing The Rock
You should grip the handle of the curling stone firmly. The index finger and the thumb provide the major guiding force. The release point is that location on the ice when the stone leaves your hand. |
5. Brushing
Effective brushing enables the stone to maintain its momentum longer than it would have had it not been brushed thus allowing the stone to travel further. Since the amount the stone curls is dependent on time, a brushed stone will not have as much time to curl and, as a result, the stone will travel straighter. |
6. Warming Up With Progressive Slides
You should warm-up without a rock and slide to the back-line (a big stretch really), their next slide is to the t-line, then top 12 foot, half-way (between the top 12 and hog) and then hogline. Each slide they should try not to go past the desired endpoint to help with weight control. |